如果英文好的直接去 Canada 移民局官方网站去查询资料,里边写的很详细,而 Forece 做的此教程也是基于该资料整理而成的。
1. 当你的PR卡有效期不足9个月的时候
2. 当你的PR卡丢失
3. 当你改变你的性别的时候
1. PR卡
If you are applying to renew your present card, you should keep it until you get your new card and include a photocopy of it with your application.
If you are applying to replace a damaged card, send the damaged card with your application.
如果枫叶卡( Permanent Resident Card)损坏了,比如折断了,那么需要把PR卡一同邮寄。如果没有损坏,请保留,只邮寄复印件即可。
2. One (1) primary identity document
A photocopy of one of the following:
- your valid passport or travel document or
- the passport or travel document you had when you became a permanent resident (if applicable, include the passport page that was stamped when you arrived in Canada and became a permanent resident) or
- the certificate of identity or travel document issued by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada or a foreign country.
另外,如果护照在5年期间过期了,可能需要复印两本护照(不太确定,因为根据上边需求,说只要 Valid passport 就可以了。等 Forece 拿到新枫叶卡就会更正~)
3. 2张照片
You will need two (2) identical photos taken within six (6) months of the date of this application:
Put the two (2) photos in a small envelope (no staples or paper clips), and
Write the name of the applicant on the envelope.
3. Check List (Document Checklist (IMM 5644) (PDF, 2.19MB))
4. 申请表 Application for a Permanent Resident Card (IMM 5444) (PDF, 1.52MB)
这个 IMM5444E 之后会详解如何填写
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1. 如果未满18岁
2. 如果5年内离境时间超过1095天
3. 改变名字
4. 改变性别
Application for a Permanent Resident Card (IMM 5444) 填写手册:
首先右上角填写 UCI number,这个 Number 可以在你的枫叶卡上找到。是个8或10位的数字
Question 1
Would you like service (correspondence, interview) in English or in French?
Question 2
Write the date you became a permanent resident of Canada. You can find this on your Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688).
请填写你成为加拿大永久居民的日期(可以在Landing Paper上查到)
Question 3
Check only one (1) box to tell us what you are applying for:
getting your first PR Card (you have not been issued one before) or
renewing your present PR Card (your current PR Card has or will expire) or
replacing a PR Card that was lost, stolen destroyed or never received.
Question 4
Write your last name (surname or family name) and given names as they appear on your Record of Landing (IMM 1000),
Question 5
Write your current last name (surname or family name) and given names, if different from question A-4.
Question 6
Check one (1) box to identify if you are male or female.
Question 7
Write your date of birth in numerical format.
Question 8
Write the name of your country of birth.
Question 9
Write the name of your country (or countries) of citizenship. If you are a citizen of more than one country, list your other country of citizenship in the second space provided.
Question 10
Check one (1) box to identify the colour of your eyes. If none of the options apply, write an explanation in the “other” box.
Question 11
Write your height in centimetres or in feet and inches.
Question 12
Write the address where you live in Canada with postal code.
Question 13
Write your mailing address, with postal code, if different from your address in question A-12.
Question 14
Tell us where you can be reached by telephone and by e-mail, if it applies to you. An alternative telephone number can include a business or cellular telephone.
Question 15
Check the box to tell us your current marital status.
Question 16
Write the city and province in Canada, where you became a permanent resident.
Question 17
Check the box to tell us if you have ever been issued a removal order in Canada. You must choose either Yes or No.
Question 18
Check the correct box to tell us if an Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada officer or a Canadian Border Service Agency officer has ever issued you a Report Under Subsection 44(1) or has made the decision that you have not met the residency obligations for Canadian permanent residents. You must choose either Yes or No.
Question 19
Your Address History: You must list all the addresses you have lived at, inside and outside Canada for the past five (5) years, or since becoming a permanent resident if less than five (5) years ago. You must account for each month during this time.
Question 20
Your Work and Education History: You must list all your work and education history inside and outside Canada for the past five (5) years or since becoming a permanent resident if less than five (5) years ago.
Stating “not applicable” (or “N/A”), or leaving a question blank may result in your application being returned as incomplete.
Question 21
Your Travel History: You must list all your absences from Canada in the last five (5) years, or since becoming a permanent resident if less than five (5) years ago. Fill in the dates of the time that should be assessed.
Question 22
If you have been outside of Canada for 1095 days or more, list your absences from Canada in the past five (5) years in the marked situations. If you became a permanent resident less than five (5) years ago, list the absences from the time you became a permanent resident to present. See Appendix A at the end of this guide.
如果过去5年内出境时间超过1095天的话,请列出原因(并参照Appendix A补交材料)(如果没要超过,请不要填写该部分)
Question 23
History of Entries to Canada: If you authorize us to collect the history of your entries into Canada from the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), check ‘Yes’. If you check ‘No’, you may need to ask for your history of entries directly from the CBSA and send it to us, which could result in processing delays.
Question 24
Check “Yes” and provide your Social Insurance Number (SIN) if you authorize IRCC to ask for your income tax and residency information for any taxation years needed to help the department determine if you meet the residency obligation as set out in Section 28 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
请选择 YES,并填写你的 SIN 授权给移民去可以调取你的税务记录,如果选择NO的话,会被要求你亲自手动提交你的税务信息
Question 25
Read the declaration. Sign and date the application form.
Question 26
Fill out this section only if you are applying to replace a lost, stolen, destroyed or never received Permanent Resident Card.
关于问题19、20、21,如果表格填写不下,请用 Word 单独创建一个 ANNEX 表格。以下是 Forece 制作的一个Question 19、20、21 的 ANNEX 供大家参考
如果枫叶卡( Permanent Resident Card)损坏了,比如折断了,那么需要把PR卡一同邮寄。如果没有损坏,请保留,只邮寄复印件即可。
1. 一个有效电子邮箱
2. 一个可以用的打印机(需要打印付款的收据)
3. 银行卡或者信用卡
给出两个选项,一个是回答问题来找到付款项,另外一个是选择直接从付款列表中选择自己需要付款的服务项。Forece 两个都试了一下,感觉回答问题那个太麻烦了。好多问题啊!直接 Option 2,选择 Permanent Residence ,然后 No (因为还没有递交申请呢)
然后出现新的列表,找到 Permanent resident documents 点进去,之后就出现 Permanent Resident Card 的付款项了,填好 Quantity,然后就付款吧。
付款后,需要打印两份收据( IRCC official receipt with barcode ),一份邮寄,一份自己留着作为付款凭证
邮寄和以前一样,按照 Checklist 把所有文档再检查一遍,如果没特殊情况的话,总共五样文件:
1. IMM 5444 表格
2. 一份护照复印件
3. 两张照片放在小信封
4. 付款凭证单
5. 文件检查单
最好再带一份PR卡的复印件,(因为之前材料准备中,PR卡上说 If you are applying to renew your present card, you should keep it until you get your new card and include a photocopy of it with your application.)
Case Processing Centre — PR Card
P.O. Box 10020
可以直接通过这个网页中的 Check your application status 查询自己的申请状态:
2019-05-19日查询,枫叶卡 Renew 需要 27 天时间就可以收到新卡了。
Ref: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/application/application-forms-guides/guide-5445-applying-permanent-resident-card-card-first-application-replacement-renewal-change-sex-designation.html#5445E4